4. EXPLAINING THE TOUR / websites. books. video
5. LETTERS / A Must Read for Freedom Lovers: THOUGHTS FROM HOLLAND
7. TEN QUICK SITES: to open your eyes right now / GLOSSARY

All Credit Cards Accepted Through PayPal.
If you don't want to use a credit card, mail your contribution to: World Truth Tour, c/o 818 s. Springfield Ave. PMB 360, Bolivar MO 65613....either way, send us a self addressed stamped envelope, large enough to hold a DVD, for your Exclusive World Truth Tour Freedom Information Pak. 

QUOTE: "Ignorance is a voluntary misfortune"  Nicholas Ling 
To Acquire Knowledge, One Must Study. To Acquire Wisdom, One Must Observe.

Spiral, Horizontal Line Spinning

 "Condemnation without Investigation is the height of Ignorance"  -  Albert Einstein                                                                                                                                                        All Credit Cards accepted through PayPal.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   DAILY  MESSAGES:                                      
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Everything                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           NOTE:  This Website is Directed Only at Those who Believe and Understand. The Others will not Act. Get Involved NOW. 
Get YOUR free download right now of this vital information at ( http://www.time4hemp.com  )   
Right now, hurry and get a  FREE  DVD  copy of  " Info : 2009" - Insights into presidential and political  criminality, voting fraud, coverups, suppressed 911 Information, technological, ecological, medical, and financial breakthroughs, ufo evidence,  and much  more
 Just send us a self addressed stamped envelope, large enough for a DVD disc. It's an eye-opening, must-see compilation of suppressed information & overwhelming evidence, and it's free!  Limited time.  Also, the award-winning documentary film, "Waco: Rules of Engagement"  is finally being aired on cable & regular television.  Look for it.   
 Stay Tuned!   "Confronting the Evidence: A Call to Re-open the  September 11th Investigation" documentary, aired in Australia and Europe but ignored by media in America, has finally been alluded to on American television.  It is a first step toward serious worldwide discussion of this EXTREMELY important documentation, which points the finger at the Bush Administration regarding the  World Trade Center tragedy and the ensuing Iraq War.  Find out for yourself what is actually happening... now!   Mainstream press has ignored eyewitness, on location accounts of what actually happened at the WTC in New York, thus keeping this information from the public/world  view.  We believe they are actually aiding and abetting in the cover-up. Could this be treason on their part? You must inform yourself  or you will be allowing the cover-up to continue .... Get your copy of the DVD  "911 & American Empire: Experts Speak Out", offered to everyone in our free weekly DVD drawing.   And please write us at: World Truth Tour, 818 s. Springfield Ave., PMB 360, Bolivar, MO 65613.  For even more immediate information, go to  www.reopen911.org ....or call 1-800-630-9012 .  In the interest of truth and justice, everyone in the world needs to see these charges of inconsistancy & cover-up in the government version of what happened re: 911. Decide for yourself. You cannot know the truth without looking at the available evidence. Hurry. Do not wait.   Get one for each of your friends.      
THE POWER OF FIVE: Send this site to FIVE people. Ask them to do the same. The goal is to finance the Tour independently.  In order to do this, we must advertise on the world net to reach the right people who can and will contribute.  Your $5 contributions will allow us to do this.  They are crucial to the success of this effort.  Please forward this site far and wide.  Thank you.   
Word to the Wise Department:  Those of you 'in the know' will understand the importance of the following:  Colloidal Silver is sold for $24.95 for an 8 ounce bottle ( 50 micrograms = one tsp. ) at stores like GNC, and even more costly at other locations. You can make your own Colloidal Silver ( for "research" only ) for pennies a gallon. Colloidal Silver kits on the market can be very expensive. For free information on how to easily build your own inexpensive colloidal silver research kit  send a self addressed stamped envelope c/o: "Research",  818 s. Springfield Ave., PMB 360, Bolivar, MO 65613   ( to find out  more about the benefits of  Colloidal Silver see  http://www.all-natural.com/silver-1.html ) = related sites  www.rife.orgwww.dfe.net  
"911 Mysteries: Legend or Logic?" , a 2 hour audiovisual presentation.   "911 Mysteries" presents photographic and video evidence drawn from over 3000 websites and 10 concurrent documentaries.  Help these courageous patriots by sending them a donation, whatever you can afford.  Tell them you heard it here.   www.moveonmoron.com ,   www.kaygriggstalks.com .    
Note to all:  World Truth Tour  $5 each from a few thousand people ...like you  (and don't forget to enclose a self addressed stamped envelope, large enough for a DVD, for your Exclusive Freedom InfoPak) will allow us to advertise to reach the like-minded souls who will contribute the necessary funding to sustain this highly educational and entertaining worldwide peace event that will absolutely impact and create positive change right now on our planet. 
Common Sense & Truth !  What a concept !   Forward this site to at least FIVE people, please.  Spread the news !  Do It Now !      
note: We want your VHS & audiotapes (we will return them if you want) to play over the internet  worldwide on our upcoming YouTube Truth Outreach Station.  Email us at  shanesmusic@msn.com                         
Important:  Pass This Website Around !!  
Message to like-minded people around the world....I implore you to shake yourselves into action.  The world needs this event to happen.  Only by sharing all of our knowledge can we lift ourselves from darkness. This Tour is being funded strictly by contributions only.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Remember, All around the world,  the enemy is fascism, and ALL "politicians" are lying to all of us. If they weren't, one of them would have blown the whistle by now.  Silence is Acceptance.  We must work together and bring an end to the lies.   ( www.afterdowningstreet.org )                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
We Need Contributions.   Without outreach we cannot contact our funding donors.   The $5 contributions will allow us to reach other World Truth Tour Sponsors.  We need to kick-start the contributions so we can advertise on a broad scale.    Please forward this site to all of your friends.   The more exposure we get  the better.    Remember, we have the technology, knowledge, and capability to resolve ALL of  the problems facing all of us worldwide, RIGHT  NOW.  We need to bring this acknowledgement to the mass population in order to demand forward movement in implementing action and stop the tyranny in its tracks! 
I want you ALL to realize that this event will give WORLDWIDE ATTENTION TO THE FACTUAL TRUTH, and will also act as a nexxus  for Humanity to join together and bring forth remedies for our mutual problems.  We have Two GOLD  "World  Truth Tour" sponsors now.  Will you be number Three?  We need Ten Million.  That's only about  0.16 %  of the planet's population !  We must act now to spread the Truth.    Share this site far and wide!   And click on to the links on our 'Reality Check' page. 
Inform Yourself 
( send us your ideas for  this column )
                                                                                                                                                                                                                1 ... Expert Speakers on all suppressed subjects will be engaged and paid in advance of their appearances. This will assure the integrity of our intent, as well as provide the information community the support necessary for it to spread the Truth needed to allow the World to address the problems facing us.       
2 ......   World Class Headline Entertainment will perform at each Tour stop, as well as local acts. A different Headline Act each week. These performances will  be absolutely free to the public, and will be taped in their entirety for release in a compilation DVD series to be offered worldwide, the money gained to be used for Worldwide Humanitarian uses.      
3 ......    The only way to counteract the lies and spin being fed to us is by covering the truthful, daily news ourselves.  This Tour will accomplish that, with no corporate control or censorship, with live 24-hour coverage.  
4......   Here's a fun idea sent in by one of YOU!  An Internet 'soap',  "As the Planet Spins" to be broadcast live daily from the Tour. The story content will be a humorous/dramatic blend of the questions that are going un-answered in the world today, in an on-going soap format.  I want all of you to send us scripts and/or ideas for scripts, characters, topics, etc.   Here's YOUR chance to have some fun while making a difference. This will be a huge hit worldwide. A cast of permanent actors will be augmented with guest appearances from the attending public, with cameo performances by famous celebrities;  kind of a reality soap opera.  Great Suggestion! 
5 ......  Clean Energy is arguably the premier focus of our time.  A permanent exhibit of clean energy sources will be on Tour, with special emphasis on hemp cultivation and free energy.  We can replace our fossil fuel  consumption in America immediately by growing hemp on 6% of our land. If this is done globally, pollution will cease almost as quickly. There is no need to wait 10 years to switch away from petroleum. The addiction to toxic fuels must be stopped!  
6 ......    We are always looking for more ideas for the Tour.  Please give us your feedback at shanesmusic@msn.com.  
7 ......   A  Roundtable Discussion Group will be on-going around-the-clock on Tour and available by internet access.  In this manner we can keep a live eye on world/national interests that may be overlooked by national media. 
8......   I've been accused of being "wordy", but I know no other way to explain myself.  Ten Million individuals are needed for the success of this project.  Example: If 5,000 people contribute just $5 each, it will raise $25,000.00. Ten million people = $50 million.  With this money we can begin the Tour and advertise on enough venues/sites to reach our GOLD 'World  Freedom Sponsors' and other funding sources.  With that money we can secure the Speakers, Entertainment, Vendors, Staffing, Venues, and Equipment to keep things rolling.  It is very simple.  Most people are too cynical to think this can happen.  That is why I am seeking only those who are like minded, with the faith that action begets action, and can make the quantum judgement leap that if we can't trust one another for $5, we are truly a sad species indeed, and maybe deserve the slavery we endure.  Just Ten Million of us committing to a one-time contribution of just $100 each will raise $1 billion, enough to fully fund the Tour on its one-year mission.  Two of you have already become  GOLD World Truth Tour SponsorsWho will be next?   Make it happen now.   We here at World Truth Tour  are committed to completing this project, and will not stop until  we do.  But we must move quickly. 
9 ......   Every penny of the contributions given to this effort  by you will be posted daily on this site, and invested in this first ever in the history of the world traveling knowledge showcase , which will shed the light of day on all of the unanswered questions being suppressed from the world population today.  In the words of Benjamin Franklin: "We must all hang together, or we shall surely hang separately."   We have made it very easy for you to make this simple financial contribution to liberty.  Do not abdicate your responsibility to be part of this planet-wide move forward in history.   ( note:  the Tour will also serve as a constant, instantaneous, worldwide medium for dialogue. )  
10 ......   Truthful Disclosure.  We can agree that those in the public eye, in the media and in politics, both here in America as well as Worldwide, have completely dropped the ball in terms of telling the truth about anything.  They have instead decided that only they know best what to do and their agendas are the only ones that matter.  This attitude, now and historically, has been proven to be terribly wrong, obviously, to anyone who takes the time to see, and our earth and its people are suffering horribly because of it.  THIS MUST END NOW!  World Truth Tour  will give all of us the opportunity to choose which direction we should go:  (a)to continue blindly as we are (catastrophe - a complete failure) or (b)to move forward to correcting the problem (salvation : preservation or deliverance from destruction).  This is what your contributions will accomplish. 
11 ......   At every town the Tour visits, a Mobile Radio Signal will be set up, broadcasting news throughout the area on an open frequency.  After the Tour leaves, the radio station will continue on the same frequency, at a permanent  World Truth Tour  Information Post.  This station will be free of FCC control. (see # 27) 
12 ......  The Tour will  start a fund to acquire a series of  Housing Complexes  wherin those individuals who are fighting court battles re: Constitutional and/or rights issues can reside rent & cost-free, thus giving them a safe environment in which to concentrate on their efforts.      
13 ......   We are asking all Speakers and Entertainers to donate Books, Personal Items, Videos, DVD's, CD's to be given away as perks to our World Truth Tour contributors, on a random pick basis.    
14......   Breakdown of where your contributions go:  First, to run outreach on as many venues as possible, as soon as possible, to bring awareness to the Tour and raise more contributions.  Second, to ascertain Speakers, Entertainment, Vendors, and Venues / Dates.  Pay all costs involved up-front to solidify agreements.  Third, use the rest of funding to purchase and build the equipment needed to move and finance the Tour, and hire all personnel necessary to staff all positions. 
15 .......   A Video Suggestion Box will be available at a booth where anyone can videotape live or write their suggestions down and turn them in at the Tour.  In this manner, we can interact with each other and share ideas instantaneously around the globe.  
16 ......   The first 1,000 (one thousand) contributors will receive a  Special Heirloom Certificate Receipt of World Truth Tour, emailed direct to them when the Tour begins.   
17 ......   To help keep the focus on the educational process of encouraging growth in self-awareness and promoting the basic life sustaining attitude of 'love thy neighbor', we will also provide a  Research Information Library, which may be useful to those seeking various means to promote the wellness of the body and mind.  We are set up for sharing, learning, and growing. 
18......   Vendors will be on Tour to sell various goods, services, and food to the public at pre-arranged low prices.  10% of their take will be mandated daily to the Tour.  Also, a gigantic see-thru receptacle will be in the center of the Tour area for a toy drop for needy children, the toys to be given to each host city when the Tour moves along.  
19 .......   World Truth Tour  GOLD Sponsors will be the backbone of the Tour, and must manifest for the Tour to work.  TEN MILLION HEROES contributing a mere $100  each  will assure us of One Billion Dollars, which will completely pay for all Tour costs.  Among other features, World  Truth Tour GOLD Sponsors will also receive constant fair-share monetary dividends  for the entire duration the Tour operates,  from monies generated by on-tour venues.   World  Truth Tour GOLD Sponsors will receive free internet access to the daily Tour programming (a $60 value), as well as entry into an exclusive $10,000 (ten thousand dollar) drawing.  Plus, each World Truth Tour  GOLD Sponsor will  receive a Special Historic World Truth Tour  Certificate Receipt.  This unique certificate will most assuredly become an important document in World History.   
20 ......   The Headline Entertainment will be featured twice a day; an afternoon performance and an evening performance.  Each days event  will also present different  Local Acts  to separate each Speakers lecture.  All free.  
21 ......   "Peace Lamps" will be for sale at cost on Tour, emitting infra-red, ultra-violet, hyperdimensional light/energy congruent with magnetic energy of world frequency, using Tesla/Rife technology.  
22 ...... Fun Drawing  Twelve people will be selected at random from the Tour attendees (one per month) and awarded $500.00 each.   
23 ......   All Speakers will be videotaped live so that their information will be available on videocassette or DVD.  A special tent will be erected where past talks will be able to be viewed around the clock, both at the Tour site and on the Internet.  Public Access television  stations will be supplied free of charge with any tape they request.  
24......   At every city we visit,  the Local Talent used to entertain the public between Speaking Presentations will be afforded a performing showcase worldwide.  An incredible opportunity for instant global attention!
25 ......  There will be 24 hour low-cost  Live Internet Coverage of the Tour available for all to keep abreast of everything that happens with the Tour.  This will not only be informational, but will afford security for the participants and attendees, being that the eyes and ears of the world will be upon us constantly.
26 .......   We will print a bi-weekly newspaper, ( the name to be selected by you, the contributors - send us your ideas at  shanesmusic@msn.com ), that will be sold on the Tour.  This paper will be just like all newspapers, but will contain the news we're not getting now from the national media.  The idea is to create a World Class Newspaper that prints the truth, and be sold on newsstands worldwide. 
27 ......    At each city we visit, we will establish a permanent World Truth Tour  Information Post & Radio Outlet, staffed with volunteer local individuals, to continue and foster the Tour ideals.  In this manner, we will insure that our vision stays alive and up to date, and will create a worldwide network of help, strength and integrity.   
28 .... Here is a sample of a Tour Suggestion: Divide all the homeless in your city into all the churchs in your city. This will give each church a project. Each congregation will take their allotted homeless group under their (angel)wings and care for them (feed, clothe & house & help find work for one year) and instantaneously this will get the homeless off the streets. I mean, what else is the church there for if not to help the needy? We believe these people will be so touched by this act of kindness and caring (both sides) that it will change their lives and attitudes forever!  Have YOU got any bright ideas? Let us know!      
29.   The Tour will also be a world forum for those running for political office in America and elsewhere and espousing  Constitutional platforms. The Truth will set us free.   
30.     We will be accessable constantly on the Web worldwide. We will launch the "World Web News" , a virtual free newspaper carrying not only daily news like the other major news sources, but  the  suppressed stories as well. The Tour will shine a bright light focusing first on Africa and the unacceptable abuses perpetrated on the people there.  In this manner we can make Africa the forefront of our mission to bring peace and justice to the entire world, while immediately righting once & forever the wrongs done to humanity there and elsewhere.   
31.     In the tradition of "keeping it fun as we do our job", we want to present a special airing of the "American Idol" television show broadcast from the Tour, not only with the Idol contestants, but with individual performances by the Idol judges, Randy, Paula, and Simon!       
These are only some of the many, many concepts the Tour will promote.  I'm sure you can think of  more.  Let us know.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
W O R L D W I D E , we  must  work  together  and  free  ourselves of  the  tyranny  that  controls  us!      
Worldwide, The  choice  is  clear.  
Time is wasting.       


      "Those who own themselves....we are the Brave and Free.  We are the players who made the dreams."  GHOST  WOLF